New Urban News

Healthy Development Measurement Tool

A ”Healthy Development Measurement Tool,” produced by the San Francisco Department of Public Health, helps communities understand how a proposed development would affect health in a neighborhood or larger geographic area. The tool has been used in California and endeavors such as the South Lincoln Revitalization Masterplan of the Denver Housing Authority and post-hurricane recovery in Galveston, Texas.

The tool has been made available to anyone with the support of

The tool has three components:
• The Community Health Indicator System comprises more than 100 indicators of social, environmental, and economic conditions.
• The Healthy Development checklist for assessing whether a particular plan or project will help achieve community health objectives.
• A menu of policies and design strategies: a list of potential actions project sponsors or policy-makers can use to achieve health goals.

The department offers full-day training sessions on how to use the tool twice a year in San Francisco.