House Committee Votes To Eliminate EPA Smart Growth Funding
EPA’s Office of Smart Growth, which has been promoting compact, walkable communities and livability for a decade, is facing elimination according to a current House proposal, reports Smart Growth America.
The organization, based in Washington, DC, writes in an email:
The House Appropriations Committee passed legislation eliminating funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Smart Growth. We need your help telling Congress members to reject this proposed cut when the full House of Representatives considers the legislation.
Send a letter to your Representative: Don’t cut funds to the EPA’s Office of Smart Growth.
Towns nationwide are improving economic and environmental outcomes through their work with the EPA’s Office of Smart Growth.
When Lincoln, Nebraska, needed a hand figuring out how its zoning codes impacted redevelopment efforts in the small city, it asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Smart Growth for guidance.
And when Bluffton, South Carolina, wanted help mapping future growth to ensure it would benefit the town’s economy for years, it asked the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Smart Growth for advice.