
Buildings and the public realm.

Britain Worries About Supermarkets Mangling Town Centers

Grocery chains are under pressure to do mixed-use urban development, but the results are sometimes crude. During the Margaret Thatcher ...

First Building Under Ventura’s Downtown Code

Downtown Ventura, California, has its first new Class A office building since the 1920s, and it’s a beauty. Dan Frederickson, ...

Awards For Advocates Of Miami’s Hard-Won Code

Miami was the first major US city to adopt Transect-based zoning citywide, but it wasn't an easy victory. On June ...

Charter Awards This Year Reflect A Difficult Economy

Most of the 2011 Charter Awards from the Congress for the New Urbanism recognize projects that deal with austere times ...

Cities For People

By Jan Gehl; Island Press, 2010, 283 pp., $49.50 hardcover “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk,” declared ...

He Speaks The Unfashionable Truth

Harmony: A New Way Of Looking At Our World Author: Review by Robert Steuteville New Urban Network HRH The Prince ...