What Is New Urbanism?

The New Urbanism: A better way to plan and build 21st Century communities

Through the first quarter of the 20th century, the United States developed mainly in the form of compact, mixed-use neighborhoods. The pattern began to change with the emergence of modern architecture and zoning and the ascent of the automobile. After World War II, a new system of development was implemented nationwide — one that, instead of being based on neighborhoods, was based on a rigorous separation of uses.

The Transect

The rural-to-urban Transect is based on the idea that there is a place for everything in the human habitat. Where elements of the built environment are in their proper place, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Walkable places and streets

If the New Urbanism can be boiled down to a single idea, perhaps it would be making places walkable. But what makes pedestrians feel attracted to one place and want to avoid another?

Designing for people, not cars

Without a doubt, cars are excellent machines. They have greatly increased our freedom of movement in the last century. Yet these machines have become our masters.