
Changes to New Urban Network

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dear Readers:

You will notice changes to New Urban Network. The changes are not radical — we will continue to offer new free content daily, often several times a day, on how to plan, design, and implement mixed-use, compact, more substantial cities, and towns. In addition, we will continue to offer blogs, articles, and links to relevant content from around the web.

The main change is this: Readers will now see the premium content under the New Urban News heading. Subscribers to our print publication, New Urban News, can read these articles anytime. Other readers will notice a portion of the article for free and can purchase reasonably priced downloads of issues or subscribe for a year to get the full content.

What’s the difference? The free content remains excellent and informative. However, the premium goes several steps further. It’s more than mere news — it’s intelligence on smart growth implementation that will help you to find solutions and make you smarter in planning, development, and community building.

Producing content of this quality is expensive but well worth the effort. As good as the web is, you can Google for days and not find the answers available in a single issue of New Urban News. Instead, you will find that a subscription to New Urban News will pay for itself many times over.

If you don’t read it, somebody else will: Perhaps officials from the neighboring city or town; or a competing planner, developer, or urban development professional. Those who read it gain an edge in greener, more robust towns and villages. (Note: CNU membership at the Urbanist level and above will continue to include all New Urban News content).

At New Urban Network and New Urban News, we are dedicated to improving the built environment. Thank you to all of our readers — those who come to New Urban Network, those who read New Urban News, those who read our books like New Urbanism: Best Practices Guide and the SmartCode Version 9 and Manual, and those who benefit from all of the above.

We sincerely hope that the new website format will make it as convenient as possible for our readers to access all of the free and premium content. Contact us with any comments or ideas. We’d love to hear from you.

Once again, thank you, and I hope your urban environment will continue to thrive.

Robert Steuteville

Editor & publisher