BlogsFlorida Insurance Quotes

Does My Florida Home Insurance Policy Cover My Boat?

If you are a homeowner with an active lifestyle, you will likely have a boat at your home. It is a perfect way to unwind. We all know Florida home insurance covers our house. Insurance protects you from the most common risks. However, is your boat parked outside your house protected by homeowners insurance in Florida?

Let’s start by asking, is your boat located inside your garage or separate from your home? If your ship is inside your home, you will be able to have the same coverage you have for the rest of your home. Coverage A in your policy states that your coverage will pay to repair or rebuild your home if some peril does damage. Hazards include fire, vandalism, and unavoidable water damage.

If you have a separate boat from your home, this is where coverage B of your Florida home insurance kicks in. According to this website, coverage B will cover other structures not attached to your home. Therefore, you must view your coverage limits and adjust them accordingly.

ACV covers boats. ACV means that insurance covers your boat for an amount that can change over time based on wear and tear. Remember to consider liability risks for your court as well. These can cost you. Always review your liability coverage regularly to ensure you are covered. To protect your boat, you need to purchase home insurance in Florida. If you are looking for a better deal, keep reading below.

Compare Florida Home Insurance Quotes

Quotes are the first step to finding the right policy for you. While searching for quotes online, there are many comparison websites, all offering deals and discounts on premiums for buying through their site. Many of these sites work as affiliates, and through finding their client, customers get compensation, which they can offer you in the form of a discount. Also, it is far easier to compare quotes all in one go, ensuring you have the best deal.

Buying Florida Home Insurance Is Easy

Once you have found a quote you are happy with, you pay with your credit or debit card. Then you are covered from the moment you pay. All your documents are sent to you via email, thus minimizing any chances of loss or damage to the papers, and you can do the whole deal sitting in your pajamas at home.

You Do Not Need To Don’teak to Anyone Directly.

Sometimes, when buying protection, there may be awkward and embarrassing questions to answer depending on the type of coverage we need, along with the personal information we will need to give to a stranger.

But online at, everything is faceless. Although you will still need to give the same information, artificial intelligence handles it digitally. An intelligence that you wouldn’t know from Adam.

Online Coverage Saves You More Money

Many insurance deals online are far cheaper than dealing with a broker face to face. Many companies prefer online customers as this cuts down on their overheads. As everything is automated, they can get through to more customers quickly. It was quicker than if they had them all queueing up to get into their offices.

These overhead cuts can then be offered to you, the customer, like discounts on your policies. The discounts entice you to buy home insurance in FL online and keep their costs down. It’s a win-win siIt’sion as it is cheaper and far quicker for you and your provider. Even better, you can provide the right coverage for your boat.