Jonathan Lerner
542 Ralph McGill Blvd. #1, Atlanta, GA, 30312-1120
How do you sell your work to people who don’t know the jargon of planning and architecture? You need a communicator grounded in new urbanism and design who can express what sets you apart in vivid, clear, everyday language. Call Jonathan Lerner for message development, brochure and website concepting, copywriting, editorial strategy and article placement.
Jonathan Lerner co-chaired the media and marketing campaign for the 18th Congress for the New Urbanism, and edited the CNU 18 regional book “Building Metropolitan Atlanta: Past, Present and Future.” For over 20 years his feature articles on architecture, planning, preservation, new urbanism, interior design and visual arts have appeared in Metropolis, Landscape Architecture, Miller-McCune, Metropolitan Home and many other publications.